mathematics 4 fun!!!!!

relaxkan mind korang dgn wt trick ni..korang akn dpt tahu btapa beznye mathematics 2...

Trick 1: Number below 10

Step1: Think of a number below 10.
Step2: Double the number you have thought.
Step3: Add 6 with the getting result.
Step4: Half the answer, that is divide it by 2.
Step5: Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.

Answer: 3

Trick 2: Any Number

Step1: Think of any number.
Step2: Subtract the number you have thought with 1.
Step3: Multiply the result with 3.
Step4: Add 12 with the result.
Step5: Divide the answer by 3.
Step6: Add 5 with the answer.
Step7: Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.

Answer: 8

Trick 3: Any Number

Step1: Think of any number.
Step2: Multiply the number you have thought with 3.
Step3: Add 45 with the result.
Step4: Double the result.
Step5: Divide the answer by 6.
Step6: Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.

Answer: 15

Trick 4: Same 3 Digit Number

Step1: Think of any 3 digit number, but each of the digits must be the same as. Ex: 333, 666.
Step2: Add up the digits.
Step3: Divide the 3 digit number with the digits added up.

Answer: 37

Trick 5: 2 Single Digit Numbers

Step1: Think of 2 single digit numbers.
Step2: Take any one of the number among them and double it.
Step3: Add 5 with the result.
Step4: Multiply the result with 5.
Step5: Add the second number to the answer.
Step6: Subtract the answer with 4.
Step7: Subtract the answer again with 21.

Answer: 2 Single Digit Numbers.

Trick 6: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8

Step1: Choose a number from 1 to 6.
Step2: Multiply the number with 9.
Step3: Multiply the result with 111.
Step4: Multiply the result by 1001.
Step5: Divide the answer by 7.

Answer: All the above numbers will be present.

Trick 7: 1089
Step1: Think of a 3 digit number.
Step2: Arrange the number in descending order.
Step3: Reverse the number and subtract it with the result.
Step4: Remember it and reverse the answer mentally.
Step5: Add it with the result, you have got.

Answer: 1089

Trick 8: x7x11x13

Step1: Think of a 3 digit number.
Step2: Multiply it with x7x11x13.

Ex: Number: 456, Answer: 456456

Trick 9: x3x7x13x37

Step1: Think of a 2 digit number.
Step2: Multiply it with x3x7x13x37.

Ex: Number: 45, Answer: 454545

Trick 10: 9091

Step1: Think of a 5 digit number.
Step2: Multiply it with 11.
Step3: Multiply it with 9091.

Ex: Number: 12345, Answer: 1234512345

erti sebuah persahabatan

Janganlah kita memandang rendah erti persahabatan,
kerana dalam hidup ini kita tidak mampu melangkah seorang diri tanpa seorang sahabat.

Seorang sahabat adalah yang dapat mendengarkan lagu didalam hatimu
dan akan menyanyikan kembali tatkala kau lupa akan bait-baitnya.

Terlalu sukar menjalin persahabatan kerana ia adalah pertautan hati bukan pertautan fikiran,
lebih-lebih lagi bukan hubungan kebendaan semata.